On this week’s program, we celebrate the artistic legacy of Spanish mezzo-soprano Teresa Berganza, who died May 13 at the age of 89. The unique vocal characteristics that brought her accolades for her interpretations of Mozart, Rossini, Bizet, in zarzuela, and more, also made Teresa Berganza a remarkable performer in baroque and renaissance repertory. This is the repertory we’ll hear her in on this week’s edition of Baroque&Before.
Tonight’s selections are from Brava Berganza! A Birthday Tribute:DG 289 477 5489.
Tonight’s program will be available on demand for two weeks following the broadcast.
Alfonso X el Sabio (1221-1284)
Rosa das rosas
Miguel de Fuenllana (16th century)
Pérdida de Antequera
Anonymous (16th century)
Alonso Mudarra (c.1510-1580)
Triste estaua el rey David
Francesco de la Torre (15th-16th century)
Dime, triste corazón
Enríquez de Valderrábano (16th century)
¿De dónde venís, amore?
Luis de Milán (c.1500-c.1561)
Toda mi vida os amé
Juan de Triana (15th cenutry)
Dínos, madre del donsel
Alonso Mudarra
Si me llaman a mí
Juan del Encina (1468-1530)
Juab Vázquez (c.1510-c.1560)
Vos me matastes
Alonso Mudarra
Claros y fresco ríos
Ysabel, perdiste la tu faxa
Luis de Narváez (16th century)
¿Con qué la lavaré?
Alfonso X el Sabio
Santa Maria
Franceso Cavalli (1602-1676)
Lamento di Cassandra: L’alma fiacca svanì
Son amor pargoletta
Giacomo Carissimi (1605-1674)
No, no si speri
Vittoria, mio core
Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)
Se florindo è fedele
Se delitto è l’adorarti: Qual mia culpa, o sventura
Canzonetta: Chi vuole innamorarsi
Le violette: Rugiadose, odorose violette graziose
Antonion Caldara (1670-1736)
Selve amiche
Come raggio di sol
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
Un certo no so che
Piango, gemo
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710-1736)
Se tu m’ami
Aria di Maria: Confusa, smarrita
Teresa Berganza, mezzo-soprano
Narciso Yepes, guitar (Canciones españolas)
Ricardo Requejo, piano (Italian Baroque Arias)