Piano Lesson Plan
Illinois State Standards
Anchor Standard 7 (Responding)
Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: Individuals choose music based on their interests, experiences, musical understanding, and each musical work’s purpose.
Essential Question: How do individuals choose music to experience?
Anchor Standard 8 (Responding)
Construct meaningful interpretations of artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: Through their use of elements and structures of music, creators and performers provide clues to their expressive intent.
Essential Question: How do we discern the musical performers’ emotions, thoughts, and ideas?
Anchor Standard 9 (Responding)
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: The personal evaluation of musical work(s) and performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, and teacher- or student-established criteria.
Essential Question: How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and performance(s)?
Anchor Standard 10 (Connecting)
Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Enduring Understanding: Musicians connect their personal interests, experiences, ideas, and knowledge to creating, performing, and responding.
Essential Question: How do musicians make meaningful connections to creating, performing, and responding?
Student(s) will:
- Explore the sounds of the piano
- Learn basic hand positions and techniques for piano
- Engage with the piano, playing melodies using both hands at once
- Begin to learn sharps and flats
- Computer
- Speakers
- Smartboard
- Keyboards
Introduction to Piano
First Steps
10 minutes
- Number fingers 1-5 (See worksheet)
- Locate Middle C
- Showcase the difference between white keys and black keys
First Position
15 minutes
- One student per keyboard
- Students will work through the pieces in first position (See worksheet)
Play Together
5 minutes
- Allow students to share what they have learned
- Let students play through pieces solo and in ensemble
Moving to a New Position
First Steps
10 minutes
- Number fingers 1-5 (See worksheet)
- Locate Middle C
- Showcase the differences between first and second position
Second Position
15 minutes
- One student per keyboard
- Students will work through the pieces in second position (See worksheet)
Play Together
5 minutes
- Allow students to share what they have learned
- Let students play through pieces solo and in ensemble
Introducing Flats
First Steps
10 minutes
- Number fingers 1-5 (See worksheet)
- Locate Middle C
- Find B
First Flat
15 minutes
- One student per keyboard
- Students will work through the pieces utilizing one flat (See worksheet)
Play Together
5 minutes
- Allow students to share what they have learned
- Let students play through pieces solo and in ensemble
Introducing Sharps
First Steps
10 minutes
- Number fingers 1-5 (See worksheet)
- Locate Middle C
- Find F#
- Prepare to move between positions
First Sharp
15 minutes
- One student per keyboard
- Students will work through the pieces utilizing one sharp (See worksheet)
Play Together
5 minutes
- Allow students to share what they have learned
- Let students play through pieces solo and in ensemble