Few Spanish symphonies, if any, have found its place within the standard repertoire, a strange phenomenon, considering the richness and depth of the existing repertoire in this field. Fiesta! revisits this territory featuring pieces by Tomás Bretón and Teobaldo Power.
Spanish Symphonies

Toledo Skyline (Photo: Diliff, CC BY-SA 3.0, cropped, via Wikimedia Commons)
Symphony No.3 in G minor, by Tomás Bretón
Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León; José Luis Temes, conductor
Symphony No.2 “In the Mountains of Galicia”, by Andrés Gaos
Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia; Víctor Pablo Pérez, conductor
Symphony in C, by Teobaldo Power
Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife; V.P. Perez, conductor