Guitar music is one of the strengths of the Latin American repertoire. Composers from all countries built on the strong traditions inherited from Europe and developed and transformed guitar music in Latin America. Fiesta pays another visit to the guitar treasures of the Americas with composers Leo Brouwer, Maximo Diego Pujol, and Antonio Lauro.
Great Latin American Guitar Composers

Derv Eloper [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Registro, Danza Negra, Cancion, and Vals from Suite Venezolana, by Antonio Lauro
Jesús Castro Balbi, guitar
Three Pieces from Río de la Plata, by Máximo Pujol
Víctor Villadangos, guitar
Suite No. 1 “Haitian Dances”, by Frantz Casseus
Frantz Casseus, guitar
Quintet for Guitar & Strings, by Leo Brouwer
Fareed Haque, guitar; KAIA String Quartet
Paisaje Cubano con Fiesta, by Leo Brouwer
Carlos Barbosa-Lima, guitar