Concertos by Moise Weinberg

September 1, 2019, 10:00 pm

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Moscow, Russia (Sergey Ashmarin [CC BY-SA 3.0], cropped, black and white filter applied) via Wikimedia Commons

On this week’s program, numerous soloists and orchestras perform Moise (Mieczysław) Weinberg’s concertos for cello, violin, trumpet, and flute.


Cello Concerto in C
Rostropovich, Rozhdestvensky, USSR State Symphony

Violin Concerto in G
Kogan, Kondrashin, Moscow Philharmonic

Trumpet Concerto No. 1
Ellersohn, Kosten, Vorarlberg Symphony Orchestra

Flute Concerto in D
Korneyev, Barshai, Moscow Chamber Orchestra