Arriving in France as one of the many Americans in Paris in the 1920s, La Belle Josephine, as she was called, became a national treasure for the French for half a century.
The Art of Josephine Baker

“Paris mes Amours” by Bruno Coquatrix
Josephine Baker, singer-entertainer; with Orchestra
(Paris 1959. RCA VICTOR 09026‐61668‐2)
“Paris Chéri” by an unknown composer
Josephine Baker, singer-entertainer; with Orchestra
(AR NSTC 031)
“La Seine” by Geoffrey Parsons
Josephine Baker, singer-entertainer; with Orchestra
(Paris 1960. RCA VICTOR 09026‐61668‐2)
“J’ai deux amours” by Vincent Scotto
Josephine Baker, singer-entertainer; with Orchestra
(Paris 1953. EMI CDP 7 90667 2)
“C’est un Nid Charmant” by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart
Josephine Baker, singer-entertainer; with unknown male vocalist and Orchestra
(Paris 1930s. PLANET 2x 2019‐1)
“Ma Petite Tonkinoise” by Vincent Scotto
Josephine Baker, singer-entertainer; with Orchestra
(Paris 1953. EMI CDP 7 90667 2)
“J’attendrai” by Nino Rastelli
Josephine Baker, singer-entertainer; with Orchestra
(Paris 1960. RCA VICTOR 09026‐61668‐2)
“Don’t Touch Me Tomato” by Henri Lemarchand and Joseph Bouillon
Josephine Baker, singer-entertainer; with Orchestra
(Paris 1959. RCA VICTOR 09026‐61668‐2)