Sefarad is the name the Spanish Jews gave to that land, hence their denomination as Sephardic people. Expelled from Spain alongside the Muslims, their culture, and their language, the Ladino, has been preserved in Northern Africa, Greece, Turkey and the Netherlands. Jewish Sephardic music is one of the most fascinating music styles to come out of Spain. We will share recordings of this lesser known style of music.
Travels to Sepharad

Members of Hespèrion XXI in performance (Photo: David Ignaszewski, CC BY-SA 4.0, cropped, via Wikimedia Commons)
“Ya gawhar al galali”, by Anonymous
“La roza enflorese”, by Anonymous
La Roza enflorese
“Yo en estando” and “Yo m’estava reposando”, by Anonymous
“Morena me yaman” and “Puntcha puntcha”, by Anonymous
La Roza enflorese
“El rey de Fransia” and “Notches notches”, by Anonymous
La Roza enflorese
“Hija mía”, by Anonymous
Amina Alaoui
“Las estreyas de los cielos” and “Yo m’enamorí d’un ayre”
Hesperion XXI; Jordi Savall, director