Flora & Fauna

November 11, 2016, 10:00 pm

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Not surprisingly, the natural world is a never-ending source of fascination and inspiration for composers. From the datura plant in southern China to a rare bird in the wilds of Australia to strange animals that exist only in the composer’s imagination, we’ll feature music inspired by the boundless creativity of nature.


Mason Bates
Anthology of Fantastic Zoology

Alexander Raskatov
Night Butterflies: Volante

Alexander Raskatov

Night Butterflies: Adagietto

Alexander Raskatov
Night Butterflies: Vivo meccanico

Don Freund
There is Often No Pressure to be a Giraffe If You Are Not One
Paintings Composed

Mamoru Fujieda
“The Olive Branch Speaks”: Pattern A

Takashi Yoshimatsu
And Birds are still?

Tobias Picker
Invisible Lilacs: Very Fast

Mason Bates
Anthology of Fantastic Zoology