The Look + Listen Festival is an annual event dedicated to presenting contemporary music in contemporary art galleries. Relevant Tones is proud to be featuring this final concert from the last night of the festival. The Look + Listen Festival seeks to expand and engage audiences of 20th and 21st music by providing a unique opportunity to simultaneously experience a stimulating visual environment for new music and a vibrant aural context for contemporary visual art. Below, hear music from a concert that took place at The Studio Museum in Harlem on May 21, 2017.
Online exclusive: Look + Listen | The Studio Museum
Substance to the Rumor, by Craig Harris
Craig Harris; Saints and Aints Brass Choir
Tuning Meditation, by Pauline Oliveros
Phyllis Chen
Raindance and Morning Mystique, by Carman Moore
SkyMusic Ensemble
Think in A New Way, by Carman Moore
SkyMusic Ensemble
Righteous Heroes; Sacred Spaces, by Carman Moore
SkyMusic Ensemble
Deep Thought Music, by Craig Harris
The Saints and Aints Brass Choir