Relevant Tones is proud to partner with The Look + Listen Festival, an annual event dedicated to presenting contemporary music in contemporary art galleries like Pratt Manhattan Gallery, Brooklyn’s BRIC House and The Studio Museum in Harlem. The festival seeks to expand and engage audiences of 20th and 21st music by providing a unique opportunity to simultaneously experience new music and contemporary visual art.
Look + Listen Festival

The Saints and Aint’s Brass Choir perform at the Look + Listen Festival on May, 21st 2017
Spero Lucem, by Nina Young
Ensemble Échappé
Springs, by Paul Lansky
Sō Percussion
Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, by Žibuoklė Martinaitytė
Tuning Meditation, by Pauline Oliveros
Phyllis Chen, piano
Deep Thought Music, by Craig Harris
The Saints and Aints Brass Choir