Spanish Medieval Music

March 27, 2021, 7:00 pm

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Codex Calixtinus (Photo: M a n u e l from Valdemoro, Spain, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

A visit to the very famous 12th century Codex Calixtinus, the 13th century Martin Codex and the hypnotic sounds of early instrumental music.


Tant’e Santa de ben mui comprida, by Alfonso the 10th, El Sabio

Qual é a santivigada, by Alfonso the 10th, El Sabio

Mi irmana fremosa, by Anonymous

Insuraf Btahyi, by Anonymous

Triste está el Rey David, by Anonymous

Bell m’es quieu chant, by Ramon de Mirval

Tant m’abelis, by Berenguer de Palou
Jota Martínez Ensemble

Songs from Codex Calixtinus, by Anonymous
Anonymous 4 Ensemble

El tahur, by Alfonso the 10th, El Sabio
Jota Martínez Ensemble