Shabbat Shirah – A Celebration of Jewish Community in Chicago

May 10, 2023, 8:00 pm

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Cantor David Berger

Cantor David Berger, the Hyde Park Jewish Choral Society, and the Rockefeller Chapel Choir under the direction of James Kallembach celebrate a unique Shabbat Evening service celebrating the musical heritage of Chicago Judaism in honor of the 175th anniversary of the founding of KAM Temple, Chicago’s first synagogue, back in 1847. Hosted by Jan Weller.

Read the full program here. Recorded at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel on February 3, 2023.


Otto Lob (1834-1908)
Sabbath Hymn

Max Janowski (1912-1991)
Shabbat Hamalkah
Chatzi Kaddish

Aaron David Kaplan (1869-1937)
L’chah Dodi

Poem by Isaac Reingold (1873-1903)
Hama’ariv Aravim – Ponderings at Night

Todros Greenberg (1893-1976)
Ahavat Olam

Robert Applebaum (b. 1941)
Sh’ma Yisra’eil

Debbie Friedman (1915-2011)
Sh’ma and V’ahavta (And You Shall Love)

Heniot Levy (1879-1945)  and Max Janowski
Mi Chamochah

David Berger (b. 1980)

Jeff Klepper (b. 1954)
Shalom Rav

Hans Wurman (1922-2001)
Yih’yu L’ratzon

Jay O’Brien (b. 1986)
Oseh Shalom

Shulamit Ran (b. 1949)
Yom Hashishi

Joshua Lind (1890-1973)
R’tzeih Vimnuchateinu

Erwin Jospe (1907-1983)
Ashirah Ladonai