This two-CD album presents, for the first time ever, a recording of Erich Wolfgang Korngold’s Symphony in F-sharp performed by the composer himself, an incredibly special historical recording from the Korngold Family Archives. The new release also presents a 1997 live performance by the Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana conducted by John Mauceri, whose research into the symphony included his exclusive access to the aforementioned reference recording of Korngold playing the piece himself on the piano from the early 1950s.

The live recording from the ’90s is worth the price of admission alone. But the album’s other recording is a must-listen; Mauceri uncovered a recording of Korngold playing a piano version of the piece. The composer can be heard calling out the sections of the piece (“First Movement!” “Second Movement!” ), an incredible look into the thinking behind this rarely performed masterpiece.
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