Fiesta Latin-American Music with Elbio Barilari

Sundays at 10:00 pm
Fiesta! Latin-American Music with Elbio Barilari

Exploring the diverse traditions of Latin American and Iberian music

Devoted to showcasing Latin American and Iberian music from the 16th century to today, Fiesta brings creatively and historically significant compositions and artists to audiences. Acclaimed composer, musician, and professor Elbio Barilari is your guide on this adventure through a rich musical landscape. Enjoy and learn about the lively, compelling, and seldom-heard treasures of Latin American and Spanish classical music from around the world.

Sephardic Music from Both Sides of the Atlantic

December 8, 2024, 10:00 pm

The songs of the Sephardic Jewish community from Spain that the Spanish monarchy banished from their country along with the Muslims, survives along the Mediterranean coasts as well as in Latin America. Fiesta explores this valuable tradition of exile, longing and intolerance.