Home | John Philip Sousa
Quirky customs, long-lived legends, and other classical curiosities and superstitions.
With Christopher Bell decked in red, white, and blue, the Grant Park Orchestra presents Leonard Bernstein, John Williams, John Philip Sousa, and the ever-popular Armed Forces Salute in a glorious summer tradition.
The United States has no shortage of patriotic music, and each piece has its own fascinating history. How knowledgeable are you about the sounds of America?
Take this quiz to find out which dean of American music you’re most like! Are you sparse and minimal like Philip Glass? Or do you prefer the sis-boom-bah John Philip Sousa? Do you prefer Samuel Barber’s sonic landscapes of America, or Scott Joplin’s Ragtime portraits of American life?
On December 3, 1818, Illinois became the 21st state in the union. You might know about the Prairie State’s most famous resident, Abraham Lincoln, but did you know these 5 facts about Illinois music?