
Chicago Pride Concerts & Events for 2023

From concerts to screenings to festivals to parades, there’s always something happening in and around Chicago for LGBTQ+ Pride Month.

Tommy Prine doesn’t dodge father’s legacy, makes his own way in compelling debut

Tommy Prine never set out to be a singer-songwriter, but it proved to be a "saving grace" after losing his father, John Prine.

A Beginner’s Guide to Indigenous Instruments of Illinois

The very name Illinois comes from the confederation of native tribes who lived here — the Illini or Illiwek — composed of at least twelve tribes.

Playlist: A Thanksgiving Feast in 20 Food-inspired Pieces

As we prepare to gather around the table for the Thanksgiving feast, put on this playlist of some of the most inspired musical celebrations of food and drink.

Ned Rorem, prize-winning composer and writer, dies at 99

Time once called Rorem “the world’s best composer of art songs,” and he was notable for his hundreds of compositions for the solo human voice.
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